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Carpentry workshops DCC

The Carpentries is a worldwide community driven initiative to teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers. The focus lies on open science, covering skills such as reproducible coding and data management. Workshops are hands-on with lesson material developed and maintained by members of the scientific community. Carpentries workshops take 2 days (or 4 half days) covering a broad range of fundamental skills. We are also planning to teach stand-alone lessons, for instance 3-hour workshops. The latter are particular useful if you already have basic knowledge and want to receive additional training on a specific topic.

The two types of Carpentries workshops we will teach are Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry. The first focusing on open and reproduceable data curation and management and the latter on reproducible coding. Workshops will be taught by colleague researchers and support staff at the institutes. The workshops are coordinated by the NWO-I Digital Competence Center and are free of charge. We will organize workshops on demand, so we need your help identifying which workshops are of interest. Please fill in the following form to inform us about your interests. This is a non-binding inventory: with submitting this form you are not obliged to join the workshops.




    In case we have any additional questions, you want to recieve our newsletter or a tentative schedule when this is available we need your email address. By adding your email you allow us to contact you regarding this subject.

    Data Carpentry

    Are you interested in Data Carpentry. You can find more information on the programme here.

    Data Carpentry makes use of datasets. Which dataset would be most appropreate for you?

    ¹ These workshops will have a different structure and not suitable for short courses.

    Do you want the full workshop (2 day or 4 half day, covering all 3 topics below)

    or do you want short courses on

    Do you like the Data Analysis and Visualization course being taught in

    Software Carpentry

    Are you interested in Software Carpentry. You can find more information on the programme here.

    Do you want the full workshop (2 day or 4 half day, covering the first three topics below)

    or do you prefer short courses on

    Do you like the Programming course being taught in

    If you are aware of others at your institute interested in these courses, please indicate here how many people you think are interested. You can also leave any further comments here.

    Do you want to receive the NWO-I DCC newsletter (about six times a year) with updates about Carpentries workshops and our other activities?



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