Expeditie NEXT: the national science festival for children
On Friday 6 May from 11:00 – 18:00 hours the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) organises the science festival “Expedition NEXT” in the town centre of Franeker (Friesland). There, more than one hundred science activities for children aged 6 to 12 will be organised to rediscover lost knowledge. On this day the story of Professor Nova comes to life (written by NWO colleague Ilona de Lange and drawn by Micky Dirkzwager). For example, you can listen to the stories of Anna Gimbrère and Diederik Gommers under the gigantic light-emitting and revolving globe GAIA. Or you can test your sporting talent with the scientific team from Thialf. All children will receive an Expedition Book containing six expedition routes that take you past cool tasks, puzzles and experiments.
More information
For more information about the programme and tickets, please visit the Expedition NEXT website (in Dutch only).