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Network event Women+

  • 28 November 2024 16.30-19.00
  • Nikhef Amsterdam, H036a

Meet other women+ and non-binary colleagues from the different NWO-Institutes, NWO-I office and NWO at the Network Event of the Women+ ERG. The event will focus on networking and getting to know each other.
Get inspired on why women in an academic setting need to network by Lidwien Poorthuis, director of the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH).  
We want to build a strong network for Women+ within NWO in order to support each other, share experiences, create awareness around gender inequality and to give input for policy around Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.


16.30-16.45 Doors open

16.45-16.55  Short introduction of the Women+ ERG

16.55-17.10  Opening pitch on the importance of networking for women by Lidwien Poorthuis (Director LNVH)

17.10-17.40  Women+  Bingo

17.40-18.10  Speed dating (3 or 4 rounds)

18.10 > Drinks and bites

The first half hour we will give a short introduction of the Women+ ERG and there will be a pitch on the importance of women networking. Next on the program are two nice ways to meet each other, the Woman+ Bingo and Speed dating. The Women+ Bingo is a funny way to find expected and unexpected matches in the room with other women.

In the speed date event in three or four rounds you can meet other women+ and exchange experiences and advice on gender.

If you want to prepare yourself for this discussions, these are the four speed dating prompts / questions:

  1. In the home you grew up in, can you say something about the role that gender played?
  2. How do you think your work environment (male dominated or not) is affecting your work and your behaviour at work? + animation: Do you think that your presence influenced the work and behaviour of your male colleagues?
  3. In which situations have you been the gender minority and what were your experiences? (Think of meetings, conferences, etc.)
  4. What are tips or advice that you can give coming from your (gendered) experiences at work?

Finally of course there will be drinks and bites, so we will have the opportunity to get to know to get to know each other even further.


Women and all people who identify as female or non-binary within NWO-Institutes and NWO-I office and NWO are invited. Sign up using the registration form.

How to get there?

The network event will be at the Science Park 105 in Amsterdam in room H036a.
How to get to Nikhef by car or public transport, you can find on:  Where do you find us? - Nikhef.
At the reception on of the Women+ coordinators will pick you up.



  • De poster kondigt het netwerk evenement Women+ aan: op de afbeelding zie je een illustratie van twee armen die elkaar de hand schudden met informatie over het event dat op donderdag 28 november plaatsvindt vanaf 16.30 uur bij Nikhef.
    (80.91 kB)
Confidental Infomation