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NWO Pride network meeting

  • 14 November 2019 14030-18.00
  • Nikehf, Science Park 105, Amsterdam

Aim of the third Pride network meeting is to improve the work environment of LGBTI people, by increasing the visibility and the formation of a network.

This informal meeting is open to all LGBTI employees of NWO and NWO-I and all other interested persons.

The NWO Pride network meeting is on Thursday 14 November 2019 at NWO Institute Nikhef, Science Park 105 in Amsterdam from 14.30 till approximately 18.00 hours.

The following people will speak at this meeting:

  • Roeland Merks, professor mathematical biology, Leiden University
  • Jantine van Lisdonk, researcher sexual & gender diversity, Rutgers centre for sexual and reproductive health and rights

Why this network meeting?
On 1 January 2019, NWO became a member of Workplace Pride, a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and intersexuals (LGBTI) at workplaces around the world. The aim of the network meeting is to improve the work environment and position of LGBTI people. The focus is on increasing the visibility of LGBTI employees and the formation of a network. The intention is to hold regular meetings. Furthermore, NWO's diversity workgroup will itemise whether there are bottlenecks/barriers for the target group in the organisation and whether any additional measures from NWO are needed.

Registration and further information
Everybody is welcome. You can register via this link. If you have any questions, please contact Léon Ouwerkerk, coordinator LGBTI.

NWO membership of Workplace Pride
NWO seeks to realise excellent science, which flourishes and has a maximum impact on our society. One aspect of this is encouraging an inclusive science culture with a view to diversity in the broadest sense of the word. Diversity leads to inspiration, creativity and innovation. The NWO Pride network meeting on 2 April 2019 and NWO's membership of the organisation Workplace Pride, fit within the broad strategy to increase diversity within the organisation and in the realisation of our work, also with respect to gender, cultural and ethnic background, et cetera.



  • Agenda Netwerk Pride bijeenkomst (2.41 MB)
Confidental Infomation