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NWO Pride Meeting - 28 June 2022

  • 28 June 2022 15:30 - 17:30 hrs
  • NWO Institute ARCNL, Amsterdam Science Park

On Tuesday 28 June 2022, the next NWO Pride meeting will take place, at NWO Institute ARCNL at the Amsterdam Science Park. This is a NWO LGBTI+ meeting, but everyone is cordially invited to join including straight/cis colleagues and also if you work in academia outside NWO. LGBTI+ of course stands for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders and Intersex people. NWO aims for excellent science, that flourishes and has maximum impact on our society. Stimulating an inclusive scientific culture that takes diversity in the broadest sense into account, is part of this. Diversity leads to inspiration, creativity and innovation.

Time and location

The meeting will start at 15:30 hours. As this is also a network meeting, we will have some drinks & bites afterwards, around 17:30 hours. The meeting takes place at ARCNL on the Amsterdam Science Park. Please find the directions through the link below.


We will have three speakers:

  • Koos Kegel, Researcher/Systems Architect at Eindhoven University of Technology and at TOPIC;
  • Florien Cramwinckel, senior behavioural expert at Online Dialogue;
  • Jeroen Geurts, Rector Magnificus at VU Amsterdam and Professor of Translational Neuroscience at Amsterdam University Medical Centers.

All three will tell us about their work/research, and share their personal story.


The goal of the afternoon is to show LGBTI+ role models and learn from them, create awareness about LGBTI+ in general, show support towards NWO’s LGBTI+ employees, learn from each other, connect to people and to network.


Participation free of charge. If you would like to join the meeting, please follow the link below to enroll. In this way, we know how many people we can expect and prepare the badges.


If you have any questions, please contact Léon Ouwerkerk, LGBTI+ coordinator for NWO, e-mail:


  • Poster Pride CWI 2022
    Cwi_pride 2022 (320.33 kB)
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