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News from the Central Works Council (Inside NWO-I September 2020)

The NWO Central Works Council (COR NWO) restarted after the summer holidays. The COR NWO has issued its advice on an amendment to the statutes and internal rules and regulations of NWO-I. It has also been involved in measures relating to the coronavirus. If you have any questions or if you would like to attend a meeting of the COR NWO, please contact us by email:

Amendment to statutes and internal rules and regulations

At the end of 2019, the COR received a request for its formal opinion on an amendment to the statutes and internal rules and regulations of NWO-I, to further define the change in governance at NWO-I. The COR had previously issued its formal opinion on this amendment: the appointment of a single director with final responsibility for NWO-I as a whole (Miriam Luizink) and the appointment of a director of operations for the NWO-I office (Jan van der Boon).

In January, the COR received draft versions of the statutes and internal rules and regulations amended to include the new form of governance, and examined them critically. We discussed them with the executive board representative, Caroline Visser, and made suggestions for improvements. The COR discussed the final adjustments in its meeting of 7 July and concluded that they provided appropriate details of the change in governance. NWO-I employees will be informed of the amendment to the statutes and internal rules and regulations via the NWO-I website and more information on this topic will also appear in the October edition of Inside NWO-I.

Corona and sustainable deployability

The COR holds internal discussions and talks with the executive board representative at each of its meetings on whether there are any special circumstances relating to corona. Earlier, the chair of the COR served on the taskforce ‘Sustainable Deployability’, which, among other things, conceived the survey on working from home. The results of this survey have now been made known. The local works councils will discuss these results at institute level with their own institute director. In the coming period, the COR will consider which subsequent steps can be taken in the light of the survey. The executive board representative is also focusing on current events and has asked the COR to nominate two of its members to join the upcoming working group on ‘Hybrid Working’. This working group will provide input about how working from home can become part of working at NWO. More on this later!

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