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News from the NWO Central Works Council (Inside NWO-I May 2019)

Introducing official secretary Sanne Prins

The NWO Central Works Council (COR NWO) represents the interests of all NWO and NWO-I employees in consultation with the executive board. In this newsletter, we introduce Sanne Prins, the new official secretary of the NWO Central Works Council, inform you about the COR NWO Annual Review 2018, and report on the NWO Central Works Council elections held last month. Unfortunately, two seats for employees from university workgroups (BUW) were not filled. You can still register to fill these seats via

Introducing Sanne Prins, the new official secretary for the NWO Central Works Council
Sanne Prins has been the new official secretary of the NWO Central Works Council since February. Sanne (34) is married and the mother of a son and two daughters. ‘In 2015, I started at NWO as a secretary for the divisions Chemistry and Mathematics, which now fall under the Domain Science. From that position, I was given the opportunity to support the former official secretary during the busy transition period. That aroused my interest for the official secretary profession. At the end of 2018, I saw a vacancy for this position. Without hesitation, I applied for the job. As the official secretary, I provide secretarial support for the NWO Central Works Council but also assistance in the areas of organisation and policy. All other colleagues within the NWO Central Works Council are elected members. In that sense, I am the odd one out. Fortunately, I have joined a team with fine and motivated people who also have a wealth of experience. My personal goal is to improve how the NWO Central Works Council communicates with all NWO colleagues. That means, for example, that I will update the NWO Central Works Council content on the NWO-I website and provide more information about it on the NWO intranet Joost. By doing this, I hope to increase colleagues’ involvement in what the NWO Central Works Council does and show them how interesting, important and diverse that work is. I have also started a training course for official secretaries, and I am pleased that I can apply the things I learn straightaway.’

Empty seats for university workgroups
On 8 April 2019, elections were held for the NWO Central Works Council. Two seats are still available for employees from the Administrative Unit for Research Groups at Universities (Beheerseenheid Universitaire Werkgroepen: BUW). These are PhDs employed by NWO-I who work at universities. Unfortunately, no BUW employees put themselves forward as a candidate. Consequently, these two seats are now vacant, and the interests of almost 300 employees are not well arranged. If you would like to represent your colleagues as a BUW employee in the NWO Central Works Council, then please send an email to The NWO Central Works Council can then hold new elections to elect you.

NWO Central Works Council Annual Review 2018
You can read all about what the NWO Central Works Council has done for you in the COR NWO Annual Review 2018. Examples are realising the priorities for 2018, funding SRON's relocation, PhD courses, the NWO strategy and the personnel policy. If you have a subject that you think the NWO Central Works Council should do something about, then please mail this to

Newsletter Inside NWO-I, May 2019

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