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News from the NWO Central Works Council (Inside NWO-I May 2021)

On Tuesday, 13 April, the NWO Central Works Council (COR NWO) met, and NWO Executive Board representative Caroline Visser attended part of the meeting. The most important points on the full agenda were the New Financial System (U4ERP), the further development of the operational management of NWO-I, the new guideline for (re)appointing an institute director, the NWO-I health and safety annual plan 2021, the hack at NWO and the revised co-determination structure.

The COR NWO discussed the latest developments concerning the introduction of the New Financial System at NWO-I with the representative. The security of the test environment was increased at the request of COR NWO, and everything appears to be ready for the launch on 1 May 2021. We also received a process update about the further development of NWO-I. During this further development, not only the NWO-I office will be examined but the entire operational management of the institutes organisation too. This is a subject that the COR (and in future, the new Group Works Council (GOR) as well) most definitely wishes to stay informed about and for which we will give both solicited and unsolicited advice.

In addition, we talked with the representative about the new guideline for (re)appointing an institute director. This guideline also describes the role of the works councils. Finally, the NWO-I health and safety plan 2021, the hack at NWO and the revised co-determination structure were evaluated. The latter subject was also considered in greater detail during the internal meeting. For example, we decided that the transfer date to the new COR (and GOR) will be 6 July 2021, and we approved the COR and GOR rules of procedure, which will soon be published on the NWO-I website. In accordance with these, we have also made agreements about other issues that are not part of the rules of procedure but are nevertheless important. These include, for example, the compensation of the time invested by members of the works councils and informing you, the people who we represent.

Contact with COR NWO

Would you like to know more about what we discussed in one of the meetings? Then please register for the COR mailing via You will then be sent all approved minutes and agendas. You can also use this email address for any questions you may have about the COR (and about the new GOR as well).

Confidental Infomation