News from the works councils (April 2022)
Are meetings the only thing that NWO works councils do?
Works council members are regularly asked this question, and the answer is 'no'. For example, we carefully study the governance of NWO and the management of NWO-I, and provide feedback on the strategy of NWO.
In the second half of April, the COR NWO (the NWO Central Works Council) will furthermore attend a two-day training about its own mission and vision: which subjects do we find important and how can we represent all NWO-I employees as well as possible?
News from the COR NWO
Hybrid working: will I continue to receive a remuneration if I work from home?
At the time this article was written, the negotiations between the employer and the COR NWO were still in full swing. Major steps in the right direction have already been taken, and we expect to reach an agreement soon. The temporary working from home remuneration scheme that now applies is valid until 1 July 2022. So, there is still enough time to hold discussions with the aim of realising a good new scheme.
News from the GOR NWO-I
Development NWO-I operations: which steps has the GOR NWO-I taken?
Since the last Inside NWO-I newsletter, the GOR NWO-I (NWO-I Group Works Council) has met several times to discuss the development of operations at NWO-I. We have now decided to consider the request for advice in two phases. We will first of all focus on the more strategic aspects of the request for advice before we examine the individual proposals for improvement. With this approach, the GOR NWO-I can adequately consider the different aspects of the request for advice. As a first step, the GOR NWO-I has sent a preliminary set of fundamental questions to the NWO-I Foundation Board representative. After studying the answers to these questions, we hope to issue the first part of our recommendations.
The GOR NWO-I provides input!
At the request of the NWO-I Foundation Board representative, the GOR NWO-I is represented in two workgroups. Ed de Vries (SRON) has joined the workgroup MOZ (employee surveys that will be carried out across NWO-I) and Bas Steenbeek (AMOLF) is a member of the workgroup Vitality NWO-I. These two GOR members have joined the workgroups in a personal capacity but they will, of course, contribute to the viewpoints of the works council and keep the GOR NWO-I informed about the latest developments.
Finally, it is good to know that the NWO-I Foundation Board representative is always obliged to adhere to the recommendations and approvals issued by the GOR NWO-I (as described in the Works Councils Act). In other words: the representative involves the GOR NWO-I from an early stage onwards in all important issues and developments!
What do the GOR NWO-I and COR NWO stand for?
Would you like to know more about the co-determination structure within NWO and NWO-I? And do you want to find out what the GOR NWO-I and/or COR NWO stand for and what they do? Then please visit the co-determination page on the NWO-I website or read this article in which all roles are explained in detail.
Of course, you can always approach the COR NWO and GOR NWO-I yourself via and
Newsletter Inside NWO-I, April 2022
On the NWO-I website, you can find the archive of the newsletter Inside NWO-I.