News from the works councils (March 2022)
In the almost post-corona society, the works councils have not been idle: the COR NWO (NWO Central Works Council) is negotiating with the Executive Board representative about remunerations for working from home because hybrid working is the new norm. One of the other subjects is the NWO strategy: the COR NWO has provided feedback about the content and will play a role again in spring, once the draft version is published. The GOR NWO-I (NWO-I Group Works Council) is considering the intended decisions in the context of the development of operations at NWO-I.
News from the COR NWO
Hybrid working: will I receive a remuneration if I work from home?
At the time this was written, the negotiations between the employer and the COR NWO were still underway. The talks concern, amongst other things, the remuneration for working from home and the compensation for working-from-home facilities, such as an ergonomic desk. Both parties are of the opinion that NWO employees must receive a remuneration if they work at a location other than the institute or NWO office. The remuneration level and how this will be paid are currently under discussion.
NWO strategy 2023-2026: what stage are we at now?
The consultation phase of the strategy process has been completed. All NWO employees had the opportunity to complete a survey. In addition, the COR NWO provided extensive feedback about the content. At the start of March, the employees of NWO-D and NWO-I received an invitation for a feedback session on the main points in the form of a webinar given by the project group. Once the strategy has taken full shape and a draft version has been published, the COR NWO will be formally involved. Read the article NWO strategy reaches Phase 3: Hauling in the information and design in this newsletter for more information.
News from the GOR NWO-I
Development NWO-I operations: the GOR NWO-I has received a request for advice
At the end of January, the GOR NWO-I was requested to provide advice about the intended decisions from the Foundation Board concerning the development of operations at NWO-I. During the meeting of 8 February, this request for advice was extensively discussed. In the coming period, the GOR NWO-I will consider its advice. As it is such an important subject that will have a lot of impact on the institutes and NWO-I office, the GOR has hired in an external adviser.
What do GOR NWO-I and COR NWO stand for?
Would you like to know more about the co-determination structure within NWO and NWO-I? And would you like to know the purpose of the GOR NWO-I and/or COR NWO and what they do? Please click on the Codetermination page on the NWO-I website or read this article in which all the roles are explained. You can of course also contact the COR NWO and GOR NWO-I, via and
Newsletter Inside NWO-I, March 2022
On the NWO-I website you will find the archive of the newsletter Inside NWO-I.