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Company doctor

Company doctor's tasks

The company doctor contributes to healthy and safe working conditions. Prevention is better than cure. By advising about protective measures, a company doctor can help to prevent work-related illness. Other measures can also have a preventative effect. The company doctor supports both you and NWO-I in the business conducted. He also provides support during the drawing up of prevention and absenteeism policy and in supervising sick employees in their return to work (re-integration).
Other important tasks are the working conditions consultation and diagnosing and reporting occupational illnesses. The company doctor carries out his profession independently. He issues recommendations that are in the interest of your health.


The company doctor must adhere to various privacy rules and may not pass on any of your medical details or other information about your private affairs to NWO-I. However, he may advise NWO-I about possible adjustments to the work and inform it about the expected duration of illness and the extent to which you are incapacitated for work. You always have the right to inspect your medical file. The company doctor may only obtain information about your health from your general practitioner or specialist with your consent.

How can I contact the company doctor?

For the various NWO-I organisation units, agreements have been made with the health and safety service about the service provided by a company doctor. You can contact the company doctor to discuss your health or welfare in relation to your work or workplace.

You can make an appointment via the P&O department of your institute or via the P&O Department of NWO-I if you work at a university location. If the company doctor invites you for a consultation, then you must comply with this.

When an employee visits the company doctor, a report is generally drawn up by the company doctor and sent to the employee and the manager concerned.
Anonymous consultation means that no report is sent to the manager, in which case only the company doctor is aware of what has been discussed. The employee must indicate to the company doctor that he/she wishes this visit to be treated as 'anonymous'. In all cases, an appointment must be made in the company doctor's agenda, according to the procedure described. 

To make an appointment for a preventive, absenteeism or working conditions consultation with the company doctor of the NWO-I Bureau, please contact Eileen Samshuijzen (P&O NWO-I Bureau) or MKBasics directly, Eric Slagers, telephone number 0031 6 52 50 00 04,

Company doctor NWO-I Office

Mr. Hamidzai of MKBasics is the company doctor at the NWO-I Office. 

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