Commuting expenses regulation
NWO feels that sustainability is important, which means that a distinction will be made between sustainable and non-sustainable travel in the commuting expenses regulation. You are free to make your own choice for sustainable or unsustainable modes of transport.
To encourage sustainable travel, the costs of commuter journeys made by public transport are fully reimbursed. Employer NWO-I has made a second-class public transport pass (NS Businesskaart) available to employees who make use of this option.
In addition, employees receive 19 cents per kilometre with a maximum of 170 euros per month if they commute by bicycle or travel with an emission-free vehicle, or when, as the driver of a vehicle, they carpool for at least half the number of working days.
If the work location cannot be reached by public transport in a practical manner, then employees are entitled to a reimbursement of the travel costs by car of 21 cents per kilometre with a maximum of 188 euros per month. This is the case, for example, if a single journey by public transport takes 90 minutes or more, whereas this journey is at least 30 minutes faster if you use your own transport. A full list of the conditions can be found in Article 3.5 of IR-1.
Employees who do not wish to make use of public transport, a bicycle or an emission-free means of transport, and who do not satisfy one of the conditions stated in IR-1 Article 3.5 will be eligible for a kilometre allowance of 10 cents per kilometre with a maximum of 90 euros per month.
For travelling with own transportation, a maximum of 30 kilometres will be compensated for one way.
Business trip
For business trips with your own car, all employees will receive a compensation of 10 cents per kilometre. In exceptional cases, and with permission of the employer, a high compensation of 28 cents can be paid. That is the issue when a lot of luggage needs to be taken, when a colleague rides along, or when travelling by public transport takes at least 45 minutes longer.
The full text of the Implementing Regulation can be read on this webpage.
Claiming fixed home-work commuting days and travel costs
If there is a fixed commuting pattern and fixed home working days per week, you can declare this using a form available from HR.
No fixed commuting pattern and fixed home working days: how to claim
If there is no fixed commuting pattern and fixed home working days per week, no fixed allowance can be granted. To these employees, reimbursement is made on a claim basis. They can submit their claim via a claim tool. The declaration tool is available for all NWO-I employees, except for employees of NIOZ, NSCR and for BUW employees of a number of universities. For them, the declaration method applies as communicated to them.
How does the declaration tool work?
The tool was created by Nikhef, is hosted by Nikhef and works via SURFconext. You use your work account, i.e. the password you use to log in on your laptop.
Go to and follow the instructions: 'Start the reimbursement request'.
Choose your institute, after the first launch your choice will always be at the top. You can then log in with the login details (credentials) of your own institute. After you have given permission to forward your data, you will immediately see the form with the calendar.
Declaring between the 1st and 9th of each month
Declaring should be done retrospectively, after the end of the calendar month. To ensure your claim is paid with the following month's salary payment, the statement must be submitted by the 9th of the month.
For questions, please email
More information
For more information, please see the FAQ below. You can also contact Ria Wemelsfelder.