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Foreign business trips

The entire regulation can be found in the IR-3 Reimbursement of costs. The implementing details concerning business trips within the Netherlands differ per location. Therefore, please check these details with your institute or check your local intranet.

How do I request a foreign business trip?

Employees who in the context of their job need to make a foreign business trip can, via Youforce, request permission for the costs associated with the trip charged to the budget on which they have been appointed and, if necessary, an advance payment can be requested too. You should submit your trip request, which is subsequently sent by your research group leader or line manager to the travel officer.

If your line manager approves the travel application, then you will receive a pass for the travel insurance. If you have requested an advance payment, then NWO-I will reimburse this to you. Once you have received the letter of confirmation, you can arrange the trip yourself with a travel organisation of your own choice. You are responsible for arranging the payment.

Besides Youforce, you can also use the form Requesting a foreign business trip. Complete the form, sign it and let your research group leader sign it too. The research group leader will add a work order number to the form. After that, you can email the form to Annette Bor. Alternatively, you can send it or hand it in to NWO-I, P&O Department NWO-I, PO Box 3021, 3502 GA Utrecht. If your line manager approves the travel application, then you will receive a pass for the travel insurance and a letter of confirmation from the travel officer.

How do I declare costs for a foreign business trip?

After the trip has ended, you can submit the declaration for the costs together with the documentary evidence within one month via Youforce. After the submission, the declaration will be sent to the travel officer for processing.

Besides Youforce, you can also use the form Declaration form foreign business trip. Complete the form, sign it and let your research group leader sign it too. The research group leader will add a work order number to the form. Do not forget to enter the business trip number on the form. This number is stated in the letter of confirmation. After that, you can email the form together with the documentary evidence to Annette Bor. Alternatively, you can send it or hand it in to NWO-I, P&O Departement NWO-I, PO Box 3021, 3502 GA Utrecht. You will receive a letter with the final invoice from the travel officer.

If your application or declaration is not approved or if there are specific issues, then your travel officer will contact you.

Contact details

  • University workgroups (BUW): Annette Bor
  • Other locations: your travel officer. 
Confidental Infomation