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Domestic business trips

NWO-I reimburses the costs of work trips that you have to make in the Netherlands. This does not apply to commuting costs.

The entire regulation can be found in the IR-2.1 Domestic and foreign business trips.

A business trip should be made by public transport. The costs of this will be reimbursed on the basis of the cheapest public transport fares. For the train, the reimbursement is equal to the cost of second class travel. If due to your own private discount card or private season ticket you are eligible for a discount for a business trip, then you will be reimbursed for the discounted price paid. If frequent use is made of the discount card, then the employer can decide to reimburse the purchase costs.

If you make repeated business trips to the same destination, then you should make use of a season ticket, 'trajectkaart' (route-specific public transport pass) or a similar ticket if this is cheaper. In this case, NWO-I will reimburse an amount that is the same as the cost for this ticket.

Car mileage costs

If you travel by car with the explicit consent of NWO-I, you will be reimbursed at a rate of € 0.28 per kilometer. If you travel by car without the explicit permission of NWO-I, then NWO-I will issue a kilometer reimbursement of € 0.10 per kilometer.

Other travel costs

Necessary taxi costs are reimbursed. If possible, you should make use of a cheaper alternative such as the OV-taxi or NS-Zonetaxi.

Any additional costs that can be reasonably demonstrated, for example the costs of bicycle storage, Green Wheels or an OV-bike, can be reimbursed if the documents for these are submitted. Parking costs are not reimbursed. Parking costs are only eligible for reimbursement if these are related to the transport of large equipment and materials. You must have received prior permission for this, and you must have concluded a transport insurance.

How do I declare the costs of a domestic business trip?

For the travel costs declaration, you must submit all documentary evidence that can reasonably be desired. We kindly request you to submit the (expenses) declarations within two months. Failure to do so means you no longer have the right to reimbursement. You should ensure that the forms are provided with the work order number and are signed by the research group leader. 
NWO-I office employees can mail the forms to
Employees from the BUW can mail their forms to

You can declare your costs via a declaration form

  • For the payment of travel costs by public transport, you should submit the original tickets.
  • For other costs, you should submit the original receipts.
  • For the non-taxed reimbursement of a business trip using the OV-chipkaart, you should submit a printout of the journey made. If you do not have documented proof, then a kilometer reimbursement based on € 0.10 per kilometer can be reimbursed for the journey instead.
  • For the reimbursement of car mileage costs, you should fill in the form Car mileage declaration.
Confidental Infomation