Study costs allowance
NWO-I can (partly) pay for courses that you do in relation to your work activities for your career. You and your line manager will make an agreement about this. The entire regulation can be found in Chapter 6 Training and professional development of the Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutions and in IR-4 Study facilities of the Implementing Regulations.
Please note! The implementation details stated below apply for employees at AMOLF, ARCNL, DIFFER, Nikhef and the NWO-I office. If you work at another location, then please ask your P&O Department how things are arranged at your institute.
How do I submit my application?
You can submit your application via Youforce. Once you have sent the form it will automatically end up at the right place for processing. You will receive a letter of confirmation stating that you are eligible for a study costs allowance. This states exactly what you are entitled to.
How do I declare the costs?
Via Youforce, you can submit a declaration for the costs together with the documentary evidence. Once you have sent the form it will automatically end up at the right place for processing. NWO-I will pay the declaration with the next salary. Only if the amount awarded deviates from the declaration will you be informed of this in writing.
Via AVOM you can use your holiday leave hours or gross salary to reduce your own contribution to study costs.
NWO-I Office: Eileen Samshuijzen
Other locations: your P&O Departement