Generation plan and pension
Generation Plan Scheme
Since 1 July 2018, the Collective Labour Agreement includes a generation plan scheme. This scheme offers employees who have less than five years until they reach the age when they are eligible for a state pension (AOW) the possibility to work for 20% or 40% fewer hours per week. Over the leave days, 50% of the salary is still paid and the pension accrual is continued on the basis of the full salary. The intention of the Generation Plan Scheme is that the hours released by the scheme should preferably be redeployed for younger employees. The Generation Plan Scheme can be found in article 6.9 of the CAO.
The Generation Plan Scheme in the 2018-2019 CAO ran until December 31, 2019 and was evaluated. The parties have agreed to adjust the Generation Plan Scheme as a result of the evaluation and to continue it structurally in the CAO of 2020. Participants who participate in the "old" Generation Plan Scheme of NWO and NWO-I or the scheme of the Royal Library will continue to participate under the terms of that scheme.
Pension accrual through ABP
The ABP pension scheme allows you to retire from the age of 60. This can be full retirement or part-time retirement for one or a few days a week. For example, it is possible to use the generation plan scheme in combination with part-time pension for the days you start working less.
Detailed information on pension options can be found in your own account on the ABP website. In this 'Mijn ABP' (My ABP) you can find out how much pension benefit you will receive on the basis of various choices.
ABP provides some information about pensions in English on their website, via this link. Should you have additional questions, your personnel officer or Ria Wemelsfelder from the P&O NWO-I department will be happy to inform you further.