All job descriptions NWO-I rewritten
The project review job classification system is drawing to a close. In this project, various jobs within NWO have been rewritten. The new job classification system was published at the end of January and will soon be submitted to the steering group. The new job classification system will become effective at the NWO-I office and the Institutes during the course of 2019.
As previously reported in Inside NWO-I, all job positions at NWO-D, the NWO-I office and the operational management positions at the Institutes will be rewritten. The new job descriptions have already been written for most positions. They are more general and result-oriented in character. Competencies have also been linked to all job positions and a connection has been made with the NWO core values (connecting, committed, reliable and ground-breaking) via the competencies. Role descriptions have also been added to the new job classification system. These are descriptions of activities that are not linked to a specific job position. Examples of roles are project leader and in-house first aiders.
Once the steering group has approved the new job classification system, the NWO Central Works Council will be given the opportunity to provide input. The new job classification system will become effective at NWO-D in the spring of 2019. At the NWO-I office and Institutes that will happen during the course of 2019.
Why is this review necessary again?
The job classification system of NWO and NWO-I dates from 2004. Many organisational changes have occurred since that time that have resulted in changes to jobs and job descriptions. This has given rise to a sizeable job classification system with about 300 roles. NWO therefore believes that it is high time to review the job classification system and to reduce the number of job descriptions considerably. NWO is also updating the job classification system because of the changes NWO is going through. As a result, the core values (ground-breaking, committed, reliable, connecting) will be translated into competencies, which must express the need to be able to work together with everybody in the organisation and demonstrate leadership, and the descriptions must align with the changed structure of the organisation.
Which job positions are affected?
All positions at NWO-D, the NWO-I office and the operational management positions at the Institutes will be rewritten. Later in the process, it will be decided whether the scientific and scientific support positions at the Institutes should be rewritten as well.
What has happened so far?
Before the summer holidays, the project group made generic choices about the structure of the new job classification system and how to arrange the job and competency descriptions, for example. Then we started to draw up the new job profiles in collaboration with line managers and employees of the various functional areas.
We appreciate that you might have questions about the project and what it will mean for you. You can always approach your own HRM adviser with your questions. The project group members are Charlotte Kuiper, Sigrid Moerbeek, Léon Ouwerkerk, Odile Steijger, Marcel Mevissen, Remko Achten, Gerda Goedhart and Jos Lensen.
Newsletter Inside NWO-I, January 2019