Make good use of your vacation leave hours
In Chapter 5 'Vacation and leave' of our Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutions (CAO-OI) it is stated that an employee in full-time employment (38 hours) and with a full-time working week (40 hours) receives 338 hours of paid vacation leave per calendar year.
The collective labour agreement determines that in general, you may transfer a maximum of 80 vacation leave hours to the following calendar year. NWO-I, therefore, calls upon all employees who still have a lot of vacation leave hours to either use these or request payment in lieu of them. If you nevertheless have more than 80 hours of leave, then you should make individual agreements with your line manager to save the hours for a (future) adjustment of your working time.
If you want to know how many vacation leave hours you still have, then you can look that up in the portal NWO-I People, as long as you have entered your leave hours in the system. If your institute does not have this module in NWO-I People, then you can find your balance of vacation leave hours via the leave registration system of your own institute. If you still have a very large number of leave hours left, then we advise you to take one of the following actions. In this way, NWO-I can prevent that employees build up too many vacation leave hours.
Use up your leave hours as much as possible
Plan days off or a (longer) holiday, in consultation with your line manager of course. Within NWO-I it is expected that employees take at least a good three weeks of leave per year. That is because this contributes to remaining healthy and doing your work with pleasure. It is not only you who benefits from this, but NWO-I as an employer too.
Allow excess hours to be paid via AVOM
Employees can also allow a part of their leave (annual maximum 120 hours according to the number of FTE they work for) to be paid via AVOM: Tailor-made Terms of Employment. A large number of employees do that. You can submit your request for this via the usual procedure that applies to the location you work at: NWO-I People (tab AVOM), the AVOM form 1-2, or the procedure of your location/institute. For more information, please see the AVOM section of the NWO-I website (Object 2).
Save your leave for a (future) adjustment of your working hours via AVOM
In the context of sustainable deployment and a good balance between work and private life, employees can temporarily reduce their working hours. You can save leave for this. However, an agreement about this between you and your line manager needs to be made in advance. You can read more about the other conditions that apply to this in the AVOM section on the NWO-I website (Object 7).
More information?
Do you have any questions? Then please contact us. If you work in a university workgroup (BUW), you can contact Annette Bor. If you work at the NWO-I office, you can contact Eileen Samshuijzen. If you work at an NWO Institute, then please contact your own P&O adviser.