New in the collective labour agreement: employees can swap festive days
With effect from 2024, an additional regulation in the collective labour agreement now makes it possible for the first time to swap the Christian public holidays of Easter Monday, Ascension Day and the Monday after Pentecost for another holiday.
Colleagues from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds work at our NWO Institutes and the NWO-I office. As an organisation, we believe it is important to recognise and respect those differences, and provide space.
Therefore, NWO and NWO-I are now joining the trend of facilitating the swap of culturally important holidays. As long as their workplace operations allow, anyone who wants to, now can swap one or more of the three standard public holidays of Easter Monday, Ascension Day and the Monday after Pentecost for another recognised festive, commemorative, religious or identity-related day.
It goes without saying that the swap of festive days needs to be properly organised. Therefore, please discuss your wish with your line manager well in advance and arrange the swap with the P&O department at your institute or at the NWO-I office.