News from the works councils - February 2024
The last news from the Works Councils can be found in ...
On this webpage you will find the three categories of news:
In addition, you will find news about NWO-I Themes here:
The last news from the Works Councils can be found in ...
Dr. ir. Peter Spijker has been appointed as head of Strategic Support at NWO-I on 1 December 2023. He held this role ad interim for the...
NWO-I has appointed Michael Wise for a second five-year term as Director of SRON. During his first five years, Wise has led the relocation...
Sandra de Keijzer, head of Chemistry and Physics at ENW (NWO-D), has been appointed as confidant within the Whistleblower Scheme on 13...
The new Recognition & Rewards e-magazine,...
The last news from the Works Councils can be found in ...
"We would like to...
'We need to be more open and understanding about neurodiversity on the work floor' In the context of Diversity...
"Fantastic that we can fully take into use the renovated Nikhef building" A new entrance, sustainable glazing...
After a two-and-a-half-year renovation, contractor SPIE formally handed over the Nikhef building at Amsterdam Science Park back to the NWO...