A first step towards implementing the Dutch Climate Research Initiative (KIN)
On a Tuesday plagued by heavy showers in late September, over a hundred interested parties braved the wet weather outside to report to the...
On this webpage you will find the three categories of news:
In addition, you will find news about NWO-I Themes here:
On a Tuesday plagued by heavy showers in late September, over a hundred interested parties braved the wet weather outside to report to the...
Academics regularly face threats, harassment, and hate speech. To address this issue, the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), the Dutch...
The last news from the Works Councils can be found in ...
Column Léon Ouwerkerk: "Safe work environments don’t just happen, not even with smart people" On 11...
Achieving more with and for each other. The management team of NWO-I has appointed Henk Tamsma as head of P&O at NWO-I. In...
The last news from the Works Councils can be found in ...
Last June, with the approval of the vision on operations* by the Foundation Board, an important step was taken in the Development...
Dr. Wim van der Zande (ASML) has been appointed as interim director of the Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography (ARCNL) as of 1...
In this Management Report, you can read how last year we worked on our mission: high-quality scientific research. We worked on our large...
Collective Labor Agreement for a year and a half with a 6 percent salary increase final agreement On 21 July 2022, with...