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Governance NWO-I

NWO is an organization incorporated by public law and is part of the Dutch government.
NWO's task is to promote research with scientific and societal impact. NWO-I is an independent foundation, and thus a separate legal entity, and not part of the government. NWO does however supervise NWO-I because of the importance of the scientific research that is carried out in it, and to monitor the integrity of NWO-I as a public benefit institution. To this end, board members of NWO have a seat in the Foundation Board of NWO-I without receiving benefits for these supervisory tasks.

The NWO-I Foundation Board is responsible for the operation of the NWO-I Institutes.
The NWO Executive Board, which forms a personal union with the NWO-I Foundation Board, is responsible for the integral strategy, mission and programming of the NWO Institutes.

Members of the NWO-I Foundation Board and the NWO Executive Board

Confidental Infomation