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General information personnel

On this webpage you will find information about your responsibilities as a workgroup leader BUW, correspondence with NWO-I, differences between the two types of Dutch PhD students (aios and oios) and the teaching responsibilities of NWO-I personnel.


As the workgroup leader BUW, you are responsible for the personnel affairs of NWO-I employees.
In practice this includes the following:

  • You are responsible for a good communication structure, both in the faculty towards employees as between employees and the NWO-I office.
  • You regularly inform yourself about the work situation of the employees.
  • Each year, you hold a performance and appraisal interview with every NWO-I employee. There are forms for this (see also Interview forms). There are instructions for employees and for line managers as well as a general instruction. See also the information for employees under Work and career.
  • You are responsible for safe and healthy working conditions (see also under Work and working conditions).
  • (Work) accidents and near accidents in which NWO-I employees are involved should always be reported to the NWO-I personnel officer, even if the accident did not result in absence;
  • You are responsible for ensuring that you are informed about the holiday leave and sick leave of employees. You inform yourself about the illness, the expected duration, et cetera.
  • If necessary, you consult with the company doctor about improvements to, or adjustment of, working conditions.

On the webpage Forms in the tab "Employees NWO-I" you will find an overview of all checklists and forms in the area of personnel management. 

You can delegate these individual tasks to the direct manager of the employee and request the help of the personnel officer or manager. This depends on the organisation within the faculty. However, you always remain responsible. At any moment, NWO-I can ask you to give account for the aforementioned tasks.
If actual or impending problem cases occur, you should at least inform the P&O Department of NWO-I about this in good time.
An employee of the P&O Department of NWO-I bears specific responsibility for the personnel affairs of NWO-I employees at universities. See NWO-I office employees. So do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or if you wish to consult about NWO-I employees.


In the event that NWO-I has correspondence (a letter) for your employees that you as a workgroup leader BUW must also be informed of, then this correspondence will be sent via you. At the bottom of the letter, NWO-I states which persons should receive a copy. The person who is stated first also receives the original letter to present to the employee. If an employee corresponds with NWO-I about something that you as the workgroup leader BUW must be informed of, then you should sign the letter. This procedure is intended to prevent one of the parties not being kept fully informed.

Differences between the two types of Dutch PhD (aio and oio)

Aio is the Dutch acronym for assistant in training. Oio is the Dutch acronym for researcher in training. Universities use the acronym aio. NWO-I uses the acronym oio. The gross salaries of aios and oios are more or less the same. An aio is a civil servant in the sense of the Dutch Civil Servants Act. The oio has an appointment under civil law. The oio is therefore not a civil servant in the sense of the Dutch Civil Servants act. The oio does, however, participate in the pension fund Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP.
In the case of aios, a decision about continuing the employment contract is taken one year after the employment started. In the case of oios, an employment contract of four years is immediately entered into.
Both oios and aios may devote time to activities other than research. This includes teaching responsibilities. For an oio employed by NWO-I that is a maximum of 10%, but for aios that is often more.
The oio can make use of a special remuneration scheme for printing the thesis.

See Implementing Regulations IR-6 articles 5 to 9.

Ancillary activities including educational tasks

The work time of NWO-I personnel is intended for the realisation of research. Supervision of employees involved in research (such as PhDs) falls under this. If the employee spends a substantial part of the standard working hours on activities other than research (even if these are unpaid tasks), then NWO-I considers these to be ancillary activities. For these, you need to ask the director of NWO-I to grant approval. For researchers in training it has been specifically decreed that they spend no more than 10% of the working time on “other activities” (including teaching tasks).

See also Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutions article 1.5.6 and IR-10.


For specific questions about personnel issues and finance, you can contact the employees of the different departements of the NWO-I office

Confidental Infomation