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Pay rise and promotion

Pay rise

After a year, the NWO-I employee who performs well will receive a pay raise of one grade. This will be effective per the first of the month in which the employer was appointed. The same applies to PhD students. PhD students have a separate salary scale. In exceptional cases, a pay rise can constitute more than one grade. This does not apply to PhD students. 


NWO-I determines the salary scale that applies to the employee. The nature and level of his or her position (job grading) are included in this.

Some employees do not yet fully satisfy the job requirements. They will not yet fall in the final salary scale but in a lower scale. Promotion to the final salary scale is possible if the employee completely satisfies the job requirements. You should send proposals for promotion via (or with the approval of) the personnel service of the university concerned to the head of P&O of NWO-I. NWO-I can obtain advice before it takes a decision about this.

Salary tables

The salary tables can be found in cao appendix 1 – Tables of salaries.

Confidental Infomation