Director HFML-FELIX (f/m/x)
Description vacancy - summary
The organization
From January 2025, HFML-FELIX will become a national research institute and a partnership between seven Dutch universities and the institutes organization of the Dutch Research Council (NWO-I). Since 2012, HFML-FELIX has been a collaboration between Radboud University and NWO-I, both of whom will stay structurally involved in the new setting. We are now looking for a new director to steer this new partnership and institute through the transition, while delivering state-of-the-art technological developments and groundbreaking discoveries in high magnetic fields and intense, tunable electromagnetic radiation.
HFML-FELIX has a large-scale open-access research infrastructure that combinines high scientific, innovative and societal impact. Its mission is to perform groundbreaking research by enabling molecules and materials to be taken to the extremes of modern-day technology both in terms of (persistent) magnetic field strength and intense radiation in the infrared and terahertz (THz) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. By pushing the limits of these technologies to the extremes, researchers gain significant new insight into the nature of matter. To achieve the long-term ambition, the strategic developments are aligned with the three pillars: Discover, Innovate and Operate.
The position
As scientific and general director you are responsible for the scientific mission and national scientific programme of the institute and partnership. You report to the Governing Board of the partnership. You have a proven track record as an internationally recognized scientist in the field of molecular or materials science and are capable of running a state-of-the art large scale research infrastructure. You will work with a managing director responsible for the institute’s operational management and you can rely on a management team with representatives of the pillars Discover, Innovate and Operate.
The director also needs to connect strongly with the university partners, through the Scientific Programme Council of the partnership, and on a one-on-one basis. Expanding the contributions from the universities to the partnership in the first five years is a specific task the Governing Board of HFML-FELIX entrusts the director with. International representation is also an important part of being the institute’s director, especially as HFML-FELIX plays a national and international role within the relevant scientific disciplines as part of the National Dutch Roadmap and the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap. At the European level, HFML-FELIX is embedded in important pan-European infrastructure networks - EMFL, LEAPS, ARIE, FELs of Europe and Laserlab Europe -, resulting in its participation in many European projects within Horizon Europe and providing a solid basis for initiating and participating in new consortia in the future.
HFML-FELIX is one of ten NWO-I research institutes, its directors meet monthly to maintain a fruitful connection between all institutes and develop the common agenda for NWO-I.
HFML-FELIX is an organization of about 100 staff and everything revolves around connection and cooperation between people. The director plays a defining role in this forcefield. The suitable candidate actively embraces and promotes a respectful, safe and inclusive work culture and sets an example in this regard.
Job profile
1. Position
HFML-FELIX is looking for a director to lead the national institute and national partnership through its first five to ten years. Although HFML-FELIX exists already for some time, it is now entering a new phase and starts on January 1st, 2025, as an alliance between the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Radboud University and as partnership with six other Dutch universities. This requires a director who can further develop the young partnership and expand the participation of already committed and newly involved universities. We are looking for a director who can steer the institute and partnership through this transition phase and lead the institute together with the institute manager and the management team.
HFML-FELIX is a Dutch national research institute as a partnership between Radboud University and six other Dutch universities and the institutes organization of the Dutch Research Council (NWO-I). It employs scientists, technicians and support staff, in total about 100 people.
HFML-FELIX has a large-scale open-access research infrastructure combining high scientific, innovative and societal impact. Its mission is to perform groundbreaking research by enabling molecules and materials to be taken to the extremes of modern-day technology both in terms of (persistent) magnetic field strength and intense radiation in the infrared and terahertz (THz) range of the electromagnetic spectrum. By pushing the limits of these technologies, researchers gain significant new insight into the nature of matter. HFML-FELIX hosts an open-access facility for the (inter)national scientific community offering unique conditions for research at a large number of dedicated user stations for a broad spectrum of research fields ranging from astrochemistry to condensed matter physics with applications such as energy-efficient data storage and biomarker discovery for medical diagnosis. The knowledge and technology transfer to third parties – society, industry and the general public – is an integral part of HFML-FELIX’s mission.
To achieve the long-term ambition, the strategic developments are based on the three pillars:
− Discover - a leading national scientific programme around research themes
The national scientific programme is organized around major scientific areas and defined in research themes where HFML-FELIX can be truly world-leading and where the unique experimental environment can be fully exploited. The themes are regularly evaluated and adapted in close consultation with the partners. The long-term engagement with the partners unlocks the next level of collaboration by mutually benefitting from the respective capacities and competences and through regular open exchange and consultation.
− Innovate - develop high-field magnets, infrared/THz free electron laser sources and related instrumentation
The suite of magnets and free-electron-lasers at HFML-FELIX defines its research platform. To establish, maintain and expand a frontier position, a strategy for continuous development of the facility is required. By striving for the shortest time resolution, the best spectral and spatial resolution, the lowest temperature and the highest pressure, matter is pushed to the extremes and then probed with the ultimate in resolution and sensitivity.
− Operate - an international, open-access user facility
HFML-FELIX is a flourishing international research infrastructure with large national and international appeal. Each year it attracts many Dutch and foreign researchers, originating from over 25 countries. The continued growth and renewal of the user community are critical to the success of HFML-FELIX. HFML-FELIX plans to further broaden and increase its user base, by organizing annual user meetings and thematic workshops specifically focused on attracting new user groups. This is strongly supported by the matured structure of the user support and instrumentation development, in close contact with the scientific staff.
3. Transition to a national partnership and national institute
HFML-FELIX exists for some time and has been a collaboration between Radboud University and NWO-I since 2012. In 2023, NWO and Radboud University agreed on a more structural collaboration and are currently in the process of the transition of HFML-FELIX into a NWO institute and a national partnership. HFML-FELIX starts in its new form on January 1st, 2025, as a partnership between NWO-I and seven universities: Radboud University, University of Groningen, University of Twente, Maastricht University, Leiden University, University of Amsterdam, and Delft University of Technology. The first two years of the partnership and institute are designated as a transition period, allowing for ample time to align practicalities between NWO-I, Radboud University and the other partners. A significant amount of the new director’s time in the first years will be dedicated to this transition. HFML-FELIX is situated at the Radboud University campus in Nijmegen and has its own Governing Board, with representatives from all partners.
External contacts
HFML-FELIX collaborates in many different ways, both nationally and internationally. HFML-FELIX plays a role within the relevant scientific disciplines as part of the National Dutch Roadmap and the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap. To achieve the best possible results and to ensure a free flow of knowledge between peers, HFML-FELIX works closely together with several partner organizations and networks. At the European level, HFML-FELIX is embedded in important pan-European infrastructure networks - EMFL, LEAPS, ARIE, FELs of Europe and Laserlab Europe -, resulting in its participation in many European projects within Horizon Europe and providing a strong basis for initiating and participating in new consortia in the future. In addition, HFML-FELIX is recognized as an important research facility for the United Kingdom and partly funded by the EPSRC National Research Facilities programme, clearly demonstrating the importance of HFML-FELIX to the UK research community.
Internal contacts
Anticipating the future: the development of HFML-FELIX into a national institute with several academic partners, strengthening the three intertwined pillars Discover, Innovate and Operate with their expertise, will cement the future of HFML-FELIX in which it provides national coordination of research activities and will advance the scientific and engineering research lines in close consultation with all stakeholders.
Other internal contacts: Executive Board of NWO, HFML-FELIX Governing Board, Scientific Advisory Committee, Scientific Programme Council, institute manager, Management Team, NWO-I Directors, NWO-I Bureau, Radboud University IMM director and dean FNWI, scientific and support staff and the works council.
4. Main task / Chief objective
The Director holds primary responsibility for the institute and its partnership. The Director develops the scientific mission and strategic objectives of the institute and partnership, advises the Governing Board about the mission and the strategy, and serves as the external representative. The directorate comprises the director and the institute manager (who oversees the institute’s operational management on among others safety, human resources, finance, communications and management support). Together with representatives from the pillars Discover, Innovate and Operate, they form the management team of the HFML-FELIX partnership. The program leaders of HFML-FELIX’s scientific groups, managers of the technical departments, and the institute manager directly report to the director. Additionally, the partnership features a Scientific Programme Council – with representatives from all partners – that discusses and shapes the scientific programme of the partnership and institute. As HFML-FELIX is part of NWO-I (alongside nine other national research institutes), the director is also a member of the collegial team of institute directors.
In the initial years of the new national partnership and national institute, the director’s role includes fostering and strengthening the collaboration among university partners in the scientific programme. This involves exploring possibilities for new strategic directions that align well with the overarching mission and strategic objectives.
Main components of the job
I. General tasks
a. Holds overall responsibility for the institute and the partnership.
b. Executes the agreed-upon strategy within the allocated budget, as approved by the Governing Board.
c. Advises the Governing Board on the scientific mission and strategy.
d. Represents the institute and partnership domestically and internationally, effectively advocating for the partnership and Dutch science in the fields of molecules and materials, particularly through the use of research infrastructures, more specifically high-field magnets and free electron lasers.
II. Scientific tasks
a. Defines the scientific mission and strategic objectives of the partnership.
b. Expands and strengthens the participation by existing and new university partners.
c. Aligns the national research agenda in the field of molecules and materials emphasizing research infrastructures such as high-field magnets and free electron lasers.
d. Translates the scientific mission and strategy into relevant research lines and programmes with both scientific and societal impact, in collaboration with the Scientific Programme Council.
e. Assumes ultimate responsibility for the research programmes conducted at the institute and within the partnership and stimulates and fostering a vibrant scientific environment.
f. Promotes participation in national and international research collaborations, and drives collaborations among the scientific community, applied research institutes and industry.
g. Encourages, initiates, and evaluates research proposals and the scientific and technical publications from institute employees and partnership participants, prioritizing and generating research themes when appropriate.
h. Facilitates knowledge development and utilization with the institute and partnership.
III. Management of the institute
a. Oversees the organization and leads the management team.
b. Guides the institute through its initial two transition years.
c. Secures adequate funding for scientific research through research proposals (led by partnership scientists) or alternative methods.
d. Ensures effective and efficient operational management, including the institute’s user facility. e. Creates and maintains an inspiring and stimulating (scientific) work environment.
f. Oversees staff management, including career development and talent policies for all its personnel, as well as for the (scientific) education and guidance of trainee research assistants. g. Implements a progressive policy on diversity, inclusion, equity and social safety.
h. Maintains clear and effective communication with internal and external stakeholders.
i. Sustains strong relationships with the Scientific Programme Council and the Scientific Advisory Committee, actively seeking their advice.
j. Serves as the institute’s administrator in dealings with the works council.
k. Contributes to NWO-I policy by participating in the collegial team of directors. 5.
Job requirements
a. Is an internationally recognized scientist with expertise in molecular and materials science and familiarity with national and international developments in these fields.
b. Has experience in leading a scientific or science-oriented organization, preferably one involving large-scale open-access research infrastructure.
c. Anticipates key developments and translates them into a compelling (national) vision for the institute.
d. Possesses a comprehensive understanding of scientific systems and is familiar with political consultation structures.
e. Has a proven track record of success in scientific collaborations.
f. Demonstrates visionary, committed, reliable and inclusive leadership skills.
6. Miscellaneous
The Director is appointed, suspended and dismissed by the NWO-I Board. Appointment will take place after the NWO-I Board has consulted the HFML-FELIX Governing Board about the intended appointment. The Director is appointed for a five-year term, after which reappointment can take place once.
Procedure and Offer
Candidates considered for this position will be invited for a series of interviews with a selection committee. After these interviews, the selected candidate will be proposed to the NWO-I Board which will consult the HFML-FELIX Governing Board about the intended appointment. The director is appointed for a five-year term, after which reappointment can occur once. The remuneration and secondary benefits are in accordance with the weight and responsibility associated with this position.
Further information
Further information on this position can be obtained from prof.dr. Jan de Boer (member of the NWO-I board, via or Barbara Evertsen, MSc (HFML-FELIX institute manager, For procedural questions you can contact Henk Tamsma, head of HR at NWO-I (
Applying to the vacancy
Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply via the NWO-I-website ( The deadline for applications is 21 January 2025.
NWO-I streeft naar een divers personeelsbestand: we willen talent en creativiteit ontwikkelen door mensen met verschillende achtergronden en culturen samen te brengen. We werven en selecteren op basis van competenties en talenten. Daarom moedigen we iedereen, die zich herkent in de vacature, ongeacht leeftijd, geslacht, origine, geaardheid of handicap, aan te reageren.
Over ons
NWO-I heet voluit de Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten. Het is een zelfstandige privaatrechtelijke stichting (geen overheid) die vanwege haar nationale belang onder toezicht staat van NWO (Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, wel overheid). NWO-I is een koepelorganisatie voor tien nationale onderzoeksinstituten in onder andere de natuurkunde, ruimteonderzoek, wiskunde & informatica, criminologie, en zeeonderzoek. Het bureau van NWO-I, gevestigd in Utrecht, bestaat uit centrale afdelingen die ondersteuning bieden aan de instituten en het bestuur van de stichting. Acquisitie naar aanleiding van deze advertentie wordt niet op prijs gesteld.