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Recruitment code

NWO-I handles the same recruitment code as NWO.

Basic principles of the recruitment and selection policy

  1. NWO applies a recruitment code that is derived from the recruitment code of the Dutch Association for Personnel Management & Organisational Development (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Personeelsmanagement & Organisatieontwikkeling, NVP). The NVP recruitment code contains basic rules that work organisations and job applicants should observe, in the opinion of the NVP, in the recruitment and selection of personnel to fill vacancies. The NWO recruitment code contains the basic rules that NWO takes into consideration for external recruitment and selection to fill vacancies. The code also applies, insofar as it is applicable, to internal recruitment.
  2. The basic principles of NWO's recruitment and selection policy are:
    a. selection takes place on the basis of suitability for the position;
    b. where appropriate, an affirmative action policy may be applied for disadvantaged groups in the labour market;
    c. candidates will be properly and fully informed about the procedure, the job description and the place occupied by the job within the organisation;
    d. candidates will only be asked for the information needed to evaluate their suitability for the position;
    e. the applicant will provide the information that NWO needs in order to form an accurate impression of his/her suitability for the vacant position and his/her professional competence, and he/she will not withhold any information which he/she knows or ought to understand is important for filling the position for which he/she is applying;
    f. NWO is transparent towards the applicant about information obtained from public sources (internet) and this information will be discussed, if relevant, with the applicant;
    g. the privacy of the candidate will be guaranteed and the information provided by the candidate will be treated confidentially and with due care.

Creation of the vacancy

  1. In the event of a vacancy, a job description will be drawn up stating the relevant characteristics. These include tasks and responsibilities, job requirements, place in the organisation, nature of the employment (temporary or permanent), working hours and place of work.
  2. Job requirements relate to professional ability (education, knowledge and experience), conduct and personal characteristics. Requirements with respect to personal characteristics will only be set if they are necessary in connection with proper performance of the job and are legally permissible.


  1. In addition to the relevant characteristics of the vacancy, a job advertisement must state the method of recruitment (submission of an application letter and curriculum vitae), any special selection procedures/means (such as a psychological examination), any pre-employment medical examination and the period within which the job application must be made.
  2. A certificate of good conduct (verklaring omtrent gedrag, VOG) is part of the selection process for a number of positions and at a number of organisational units of NWO. If a VOG is requested that will be specified in the text of the vacancy. The costs of a VOG are reimbursed by NWO.
  3. If an affirmative action policy for specific groups is pursued, this will be mentioned explicitly.

Selection phase

  1. The P&O department of the relevant NWO institute or office will notify the candidate as soon as possible (within a few weeks) after the closing date for reactions:
    a. if he/she is unsuccessful;
    b. if he/she will be invited for an interview;
    c. if his/her application will be kept on file.
  2. If an applicant is invited for an interview, or if his/her application will be kept on file, the expected duration of the selection procedure will be stated and the applicant will be informed about the procedure to be followed.
  3. The applicant will only be asked questions about aspects that are relevant for the position and/or job performance, such as professional competence (education, knowledge and experience).

Further inquiry

  1. If the selection committee wishes to obtain further information from third parties regarding the applicant, prior permission for this will be asked from the applicant. The desired information must relate directly to the vacancy to be filled and may not disproportionately infringe upon the applicant's privacy.
  2. If a psychological examination is carried out in the selection procedure, the results thereof will only be used in the selection procedure with the applicant’s permission.
  3. A medical examination in connection with the appointment may only take place if medical fitness requirements must be set for the performance of the job. The examination will be carried out by a doctor, under the responsibility of an occupational health and safety service, in accordance with the statutory regulations applicable to such an examination.

Final selection and decision

  1. If NWO decides at any stage of the recruitment procedure that an applicant is not eligible for the vacant position, it must notify the applicant thereof as soon as possible. The applicant must also be informed of the possibility to request an explanation, by telephone or otherwise, as to why his/her application was unsuccessful.
  2. Written information relating to unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed as soon as possible. This will be mentioned to the unsuccessful applicant.
  3. The applicant's details may only be kept on record for other vacancies with his/her permission.
  4. All agreements will be recorded in writing on entering into employment.

Handling complaints

  1. A written complaint from an applicant who believes that he/she has been treated carelessly, unfairly or improperly will be handled with due observance of the applicable NWO-D or NWO-I complaints procedure.
  2. If the applicant believes that he/she has received an unsatisfactory answer to a complaint submitted by him/her in writing, he/she may turn to the National Ombudsman or the NVP.
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