Financial system U4ERP
The NWO Institutes and the NWO-I Office work with the financial system U4ERP. Below you can read brief information about logging in, timekeeping, travel and expense claims, order requests, and documentation. For questions and assistance, in most cases you can get support in the application itself or from Finance at your own institute or office.
Log in
Click to go to U4ERP (Unit4).
Registering hours gives us and others more insight into what we spend time on. Governments and other funding agencies have been requiring this of us for years, in order to properly understand how many hours go into projects. Most NWO Institutes have been registering hours for a long time and are now transitioning to the same system in phases. For more information about writing time, kindly contact your own financial department.
Travel and declarations
All employees of the institutes and the NWO-I Office submit requests for (foreign) trips and for expenses declarations via the module Travel and declarations in U4ERP.
Order requisitions
Large and small purchases are made via the Purchasing module. These include large purchases within projects or smaller purchases such as promotional gifts, office supplies or flowers for a colleague.
Designated employees place the order or service in the system, possibly after a quotation process. The budget manager approves the order, after which the employee with the role of purchaser places the actual order.
After delivery of the product or service, the invoice follows, which again within U4ERP passes the responsible persons for approval before payment takes place. How this whole procurement process looks like and who has which role within your sub-organization, differs per location.
Training, instructions and demos
The application U4ERP includes manuals and links to instructional videos.
If you have any questions, please contact your financial contact person from your own institute, NWO-I Office, or your line manager.