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Personnel news

On this page, you will find an overview of personnel news for all NWO-I employees.

  1. NWO/NWO-I celebrates Coming Out Day 2024

    Column David van Walderveen: ‘Dump the closet!’ Friday 11 October is Coming Out Day, a day to devote attention to the moment that people open up about his/her/their sexual orientation or gender identity: their coming out of...

  2. Neurodiversity at work: ten lunchtime takeaways

    On Tuesday, 18 June, from 12:00 to 13:00 hours, the online lunchtime lecture “Neurodiversity at Work” took place for NWO/NWO-I employees. It was organised in the context of Neurodiversity Pride Day on 16 June. This lecture focused on experiences...

  3. Group photo of the female scientists from CWI, that gathered on 8 March for a lunch meeting on at the Amsterdam Science Park. Credits: CWI

    International Women's Day at NWO-I

    On March 8, we marked International Women's Day at NWO-I. A day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women worldwide and draws attention to gender equality and women's rights. It is a day to recognize and...

  4. Nikhef colleagues move back to renovated building

    "Fantastic that we can fully take into use the renovated Nikhef building" A new entrance, sustainable glazing and window frames, large skylights, an updated mechanical workplace and a beautiful atrium at the heart of the...

  5. CAO negotiations officially launched

    On May 31, parties started negotiations on a new Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutions (CAO-OI). The parties are the Werkgeversvereniging Onderzoekinstellingen (WVOI), of which NWO, NWO-I and the KB are members, and the employee...

  6. NWO looks back on successful Pride Event

    On Monday 8 May, a successful Pride event for the entire NWO organisation, including the NWO Institutes, was held at SRON in Leiden. The LGBTI+* event had a very good turn-up with over 40 participants, welcomed by SRON's institute's manager...

  7. Agreement on new implementation regulations 2023 - 2025

    In recent months, the Central Works Council’s NWO (COR NWO) negotiating delegates and the employers NWO and NWO-I have been working hard to reach agreement on new implementation regulations (IR). The key subjects were sustainability, inflation,...

  8. Henk Tamsma

    Henk Tamsma is the new Head of P&O at NWO-I

    Achieving more with and for each other. The management team of NWO-I has appointed Henk Tamsma as head of P&O at NWO-I. In this role, he will work closely together with the P&O managers of the NWO Institutes and lead the team of...

  9. New personnel system for NWO-I

    NWO-I will soon introduce a new personnel system: Youforce. In this system, the NWO-I Office and the nine NWO Institutes will harmonise their P&O work processes, and that will result in a single support system for all organisational...

  10. Progress collective labour agreement negotiations

    On 16 February 2022, the collective labour agreement (CAO) negotiations started for a new CAO for the research institutions. The parties taking part in the negotiations are the Employers’ Association for Research Institutes (WVOI) of which NWO,...

  11. NWO-I provides facilities for setting up a home office

    NWO and NWO-I have each determined a policy about hybrid working. Hybrid working means that employees can do their work on various locations. The core of the hybrid working policy is that the employer wants employees to be able to work in an optimal...

  12. NWO celebrates ... Diversity Day!

    Diversity Day is a day of solidarity when we show that a good mix of people in terms of cultural origin, sexual orientation, age, gender, and occupational ability is nothing but positive. Only by making room for difference, we can make the most of...

  13. New NWO co-determination structure since July

    Every employee represented at every level Generally speaking, if changes are made to the way that an organisation is managed, changes may also be needed in the way that co-determination is organised. The appointment of a...

  14. New Collective Labour Agreement 2021

    Salary increase, paternity leave and bereavement leave are important subjects in the new Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutes 2021. The Employers’ Association Research Institutes (WVOI) and the trade unions FNV, CNV Overheid and AOb...

  15. Negotiated agreement CAO 2021

    The employers’ organisation WVOI and the trade unions FNV, CNV Overheid and AOb have reached a negotiated agreement about a new Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutes (CAO-OI) for 2021. The agreement covers issues such as salary increase,...

  16. P&O highlight: specific leave for particular reasons

    As an employee, you want to continue working in a motivated manner throughout your career and in different phases of your life. You are responsible for your development and deployability in this regard. As your employer, NWO-I will support and...

  17. P&O highlight: training and professional development

    NWO-I is committed to ensuring that, as an employee, you can work in a qualified and motivated manner throughout your career and in the various phases of your life. Therefore, professional and personal development and training are vital for...

  18. Make good use of your vacation leave hours

    In Chapter 5 'Vacation and leave' of our Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutions (CAO-OI) it is stated that an employee in full-time employment (38 hours) and with a full-time working week (40 hours) receives 338 hours of paid vacation...

  19. Paternity leave for the partner

    With effect from 1 January 2019, the parental leave when a partner gives birth had already been increased. With effect from 1 July 2020, additional parental leave can now be taken....

  20. Measures coronavirus

    NWO-I closely follows the reports about the corona virus and adopts the government's advice regarding corona. Here are relevant updates that apply to all employees of NWO-I. The effect of these measures may differ locally (i.e. institute/office),...

  21. Final CAO agreement

    On 6 March the CAO parties converted the CAO negotiators' agreement of 4 February 2020 about the new Collective Labour Agreement Research Institutions 2020 (Cao-OI)...

  22. Negotiators agreement CAO

    On 4 February, the employers' organisation WVOI and the trade unions concluded a CAO negotiators agreement. The following arrangements were agreed upon....

  23. NWO works on gender equality

    NWO pursues a diversity policy with emphasis on gender equality. A concrete example was the signing of Gender Equality Plans by four NWO institutes during Physics@Veldhoven on 22 January 2018. The plans describe clear actions and milestones and...

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